Special Announcement!

Special Announcement!

Special Announcement!

Here it is…the official announcement (along with on Facebook)….we are expecting! Beginning of October this coming fall we will be outnumbered. Knowing how we have babies it will probably look a little more like mid-October. We are still trying to decide on where to have the baby. Actually we would really appreciate prayers on that subject because we have a number of factors that are tying into our decision.


The beginning of the pregnancy has gone well. The usual fatigue and nausea. Thankfully Kristina has passed the first trimester and is feeling a lot less nausea and a little more energy, which helps when she has lots of ideas in mind of things to do before this baby comes. We made our first trip up to Dar to visit with the doctor and everything seems to be going well. We have been blessed with relatively uneventful pregnancies thus far(besides the event of having a new baby) and we are praying for yet another. With the anticipation of the third, we are little nervous as we will be outnumbered, but just as we adapted to 2, we assume we will eventually adapt to 3. Aletheia has been very sweet and very excited about this little one. Every Sunday we all look as a family on my phone to get the update on Baby Center of how the baby is growing and what it looks like. A special way to share the excitement as a family.


We thank you all for your support and prayers in our work and life here. We are often sharing about our lives and excitements, but we would love to hear yours as well. Please send us an e-mail and share: calebnkristina@gmail.com.


Kristina at 15 weeks pregnant.

Kristina at 15 weeks pregnant.

~ by Caleb on April 12, 2014.

4 Responses to “Special Announcement!”

  1. Looking very cute!!

  2. So glad you are feeling better!! The kids are precious!!! I’ll continue to pray for this blessed new life and all the joys and challenges that come with him/her ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

  3. Congratulations!

  4. The third one must as lovely as Aletheia an Jeda bear. Congrats!

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